Big Sushi interview


Sorcery! 2 has now been out just over a week, and several thousand people have entered the city: some of them have even left again. It's been an exciting week for us, trawling the internet on the look-out for reviews, which ranged from enthusiastic 5/5's like this one on Slide To Play to this 8/10 Silver Award-winning review on Pocket Gamer which reads like the reviewer had something of a harder time of it. The overall result is good - our Metacritic score is 88, three points up from last time around..!

Releasing a game is a nerve-wracking experience: you never quite know whether people will love it, or hate it, or simply ignore it and let it slide into oblivion, and you can get a sense of that from listening to this interview we did with the guys at Big Sushi FM, a few days before the Cityport of Traps hit the App Store. (If you haven't listened to a Big Sushi podcast before, you should: they're one of the best around, with a knack for having rich and diverse discussions with the designers of games that talk as much about the people and the art as the games themselves.)

In this episode, John and Landon talk us down from our gibbering worries about whether or not Sorcery! 2 is any good, and we discuss the development of the sequels new mechanics, dragging in comparisons to GTA, Assassin's Creed IV, Shadow of the Colossus and a whole raft of other titles along the way. We also tease a new project that we'll be working on in parallel with Sorcery! in 2014.

So, if you've got a spare hour and think games are interesting as well as fun, take a listen. And if you're still not sure about whether Kharé is the game for you, here's a video review by Bradley Cummings of that we thought provides about as good a summary of "what the game's got" as any we've seen. Enjoy.

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